Photo:Oplev Ringsted / Heidi Taymyr
Historical sights
"Ringsted has as much history as the kings' Jelling - history just waiting to be told."
Someone once said that about the exciting history connected to Ringsted.
Ringsted is an old market town, founded around the year 1000, with a significant history and vibrant present. In part of the Middle Ages, Ringsted was the most important town on Zealand. It was at the 'Tingstenene' in the city center that important decisions were made, and Danish kings and queens were buried in St. Bendt's Church.
It is not known exactly when Ringsted acquired the status of a market town, because the city's oldest archive has been burned, but it is known for certain that the city was the royal seat under several kings in the early Middle Ages. The country's heirs to the throne received their royal homage in Ringsted right up until the time of Christian IV.
The breath of history
In Ringsted, there are plenty of places where you can almost feel the whir of history. The most well-known is probably St. Bendt's Church, where several royals are buried. But in addition there is also Gyldenløveshøj, Hagbards Høj, Ridebanen, Valsøgård, Knud Lavard's Chapel and much more.
Ringsteds historie
Anette Månsson fortæller Ringsteds spændende historie i disse 5 videoer.

Videohistorie om byen, kongerne og historien

Videohistorie kort fortalt

Videohistorie om klosteret og den Bügelske gravhøj

Videohistorie om de Mahlerske huse

Videohistorie om de gamle købmandsgårde
Sct. Bendt's Church
The beautiful St. Bendt's church, which was Denmark's first royal church, contains both noble and royal graves.
The church was originally an ashlar church built in 1080, but the current brick church ...
Monastery herb garden
The Mound of Hagbard
Hagbardshøj (the mound of Hagbard) originates from the bronze age (1800 - 500 B.C.)
The mound is bound to the sad love tale about Hagbard and Signe, mentioned in Gesta Danorum "the Cronicle of Denmark"...
The ruins of Knud Lavards chapel
The ruins of Knud Lavard's chapel.
Pilgrimage chapel erected by Valdemar the Great in memory of his father Knud Lavard, who was murdered in 1131 by his cousin Magnus because of a dispute over the crown...
The Houses of Mahler
In 1922 the houses we...
The Springs in St. Bøgeskov
Ringsted Kloster
Ringsted Kloster blev grundlagt i 1080’erne og er dermed et af de ældste i Danmark. Fra midten af 1100-tallet støttede kong Valdemar den Store klosteret og finansierede blandt andet ombygningen af kir...
Valdemar the Great Statute
Donated by the Carlsberg Foundation.
Tingstenene (The Court Stones)
According to history, the stones were Zealand's Landsting until royal power took over, but they were still u...
Ringsted's old Town Arms
When Have Mill water tank was extended in 1963 Emil Hansen offered to carve a wooden model of the old Town Arms, which was from earlier than 1300 A.C.
From this model 4 samples were made, one of which...
Vandtårnet - Water Tower
Where Ringsted's old St. Hans church stood until 1766, now towers over the water tower from 1915. In front of it is St. His chapel, which was built in 1901 for use in church services, while Sct. Bendt...