
Photo:Oplev Ringsted / Heidi Taymyr


Get some completely unique experiences when you visit Ringsted, which is the center for trade and development in Zealand.

Photo: Heidi Taymyr

Ringsteds 10 landområder

Ringsted Kommune har et stort landområde med mange landsbyer. Kommunen blev i 1970 sammenlagt af forskellige sogne og har derfor i dag mange mindre lokalsamfund, som alle har et stærkt foreningsliv.

Historiske seværdigheder
Photo: Oplev Ringsted / Heidi Taymyr

Historical sights

"Ringsted has as much history as the kings' Jelling - history just waiting to be told."

Someone once said that about the exciting history connected to Ringsted.

Ringsted is an old market town, founded around the year 1000, with a significant history and vibrant present. In part of the Middle Ages, Ringsted was the most important town on Zealand. It was at the 'Tingstenene' in the city center that important decisions were made, and Danish kings and queens were buried in St. Bendt's Church.

It is not known exactly when Ringsted acquired the status of a market town, because the city's oldest archive has been burned, but it is known for certain that the city was the royal seat under several kings in the early Middle Ages. The country's heirs to the throne received their royal homage in Ringsted right up until the time of Christian IV.


Photo: Oplev Ringsted / Heidi Taymyr


There are 18 churches in Ringsted Municipality.

St. Bendt's church is the only one built in the Middle Ages, and it is one of the first brick churches in Denmark. Sigersted Church, built in the 13th century, is Zealand's highest church. Klostermarkskirken is the youngest of the municipality's churches. It was built in 1992.

Museer i Ringsted
Photo: Oplev Ringsted/Heidi Taymyr

Museums in Ringsted

In Ringsted there is plenty of opportunity to immerse oneself in the whirlwind of history with as many as four unique museums. Each of them represents a piece of Danish history with a starting point in Ringsted.

Historiske seværdigheder
Photo: Oplev Ringsted / Heidi Taymyr

Historical sights

"Ringsted has as much history as the kings' Jelling - history just waiting to be told."

Someone once said that about the exciting history connected to Ringsted.

Ringsted is an old market town, founded around the year 1000, with a significant history and vibrant present. In part of the Middle Ages, Ringsted was the most important town on Zealand. It was at the 'Tingstenene' in the city center that important decisions were made, and Danish kings and queens were buried in St. Bendt's Church.

It is not known exactly when Ringsted acquired the status of a market town, because the city's oldest archive has been burned, but it is known for certain that the city was the royal seat under several kings in the early Middle Ages. The country's heirs to the throne received their royal homage in Ringsted right up until the time of Christian IV.


Photo: Visit Ringsted


Ringsted is in the middle of the possibilities, and there is plenty to experience. Therefore, it may be a good idea to plan more than a single day in Ringsted.

There are many accommodation options. You can sleep in a hotel, estate or manor house. In Ringsted municipality, there are a few hostels where you can spend the night in your motorhome and several offer Bed & Breakfast. If you prefer to sleep outdoors, the municipality also offers several shelters.


Photo: Tripadvisor

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