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Humleore forest

Humleore Forest is approx. 700 ha and privately owned. The forest is used for general forestry and hunting. A large part of the forest is laid out for water supply, and therefore no chemicals or fertilizers are used in daily operations.

The forest is varied with both hardwoods and conifers and is rich in insects and birds. If you are quiet and patient when walking in the forest, you may even be lucky enough to see one of the impressive sea eagles that have built a nest in the area. For the same reason, there are certain places in the forest where you are not allowed to walk, which is marked with signs.

The name Humleore comes from the legend of King Humble, who allegedly lived at the magnificent King Humble's Castle. According to legend, the king got rid of his enemies by throwing them into a deep well. In the forest you can see the ruins of the castle, which were excavated by the national museum in 1899.

It is also believed that there was a bishop's or chieftain's farm on the site in the Middle Ages. It was, among other things, in Humleore that Roskilde bishop Niels Stigsen in 1241 wrote the deed of foundation for Skovklostret, which is today Herluftsholm.

Today there is not much to see of the castle. There are still some stones from the original castle, but most of them are overgrown and you can't see any plan of the building they were once a part of.

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