Photo:Oplev Ringsted/Heidi Taymyr
Weekend i Ringsted
You can easily pass the time at the weekend in Ringsted.
If you are into shopping, there are plenty of options in Ringsted Outlet, RingStedet or the city centre. Nature always invites you to wonderful experiences, regardless of whether you fancy a quiet walk or a quick cycle or run.
Ringsted's cultural institutions also offer a wide selection of activities, and you can easily find a place to spend the night if you want to spend more time.
Vi anbefaler
Get some completely unique experiences when you visit Ringsted, which is the center for trade and development in Zealand.
Museums in Ringsted
In Ringsted there is plenty of opportunity to immerse oneself in the whirlwind of history with as many as four unique museums. Each of them represents a piece of Danish history with a starting point in Ringsted.
Cultural experiences
Ringsted's cultural institutions provide a wide range of cultural events for every taste.
Ringsted by bike
In Ringsted you will find beautiful nature in all directions, and this provides good opportunities for cycling around the landscape and history.
Places to eat
Ringsted offers a versatile selection of places to eat. Regardless of whether you like red meat, poultry, fish or want a plant-based meal, you can find it in Ringsted.
Ringsted is in the middle of the possibilities, and there is plenty to experience. Therefore, it may be a good idea to plan more than a single day in Ringsted.
There are many accommodation options. You can sleep in a hotel, estate or manor house. In Ringsted municipality, there are a few hostels where you can spend the night in your motorhome and several offer Bed & Breakfast. If you prefer to sleep outdoors, the municipality also offers several shelters.
Shopping i Ringsted
It is easy to be tempted when shopping in Ringsted, whether it is in Ringsted's historic town center with exciting shops and cozy cafes, or in Ringsted Outlet, which is Denmark's only real outlet town, where you will find a large selection of well-known Danish and international brand stores. Ringsted also offers specialist shops and farm shops, both in the town and in the municipality's local areas.
Ringsted for kids
Ringsted offers plenty of child-friendly activities and experiences for the whole family.